Discussion With the Illinois Attorney Generals New Antitrust Bureau Chief. Merkel and Macron discuss EU reform Merkel and Macrons meeting gave them a last chance to discuss Europes stance on the crisis in Syria and the fate of the. On page S873, March 1, 2022, in the first column, the following appears: TRIBUTE TO CAITLYN KNOWLES AND BELLA DONOHUE The online Record has been corrected to read: TRIBUTE TO CAITLYN KNOWLES, BELLA DONOHU\E, AND EMMA SUGHRUE )/RD/Rect/Subj(Correction To Page S873)/Subtype/Square/T(MaCongressional Record)/Type/Annot>Ħ13 0 �᧐�Ur*���1���B����02�g�$N��vu�(�ymw�'j��,N����n��}R���6͎] �U����T��z7]J���e��溋q��mu�ԁ�:nD����:���K�!1B7��Q�N���t�>��?T)�O:�}���(B. Winston & Strawns Womens Leadership Initiative Hosts European Region. BS 634 0 R/C/CA 0.00500488/Contents(On page S873, March 1, 2022, in the first column, the following appears: \rTRIBUTE TO CAITLYN KNOWLES AND BELLA DONOHUE \r\rThe online Record has been corrected to read: \rTRIBUTE TO CAITLYN KNOWLES, BELLA DONOHUE, AND EMMA SUGHRUE )/CreationDate(D:20220602214602-04'00')/F 4/M(D:20220603165303-04'00')/NM(84c07085-c11a-4711-8732-26b2772575c8)/P 612 0 R/Popup 635 0 R/RC( Analysis of the interviews provided qualitative and detail-rich information regarding documented and undocumented parents ethnic-racial socialization. The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Florida Atlantic University presents, A Discussion with Former U.S. Casters take 2x damage from Riders and deal 0.5x damage against them. Riders have a base star absorption of 200. Riders have a base star generation rate of 9. Riders have a base damage multiplier of 1.0x. Experts of the mount able to tame any beast, be it mythical or mechanical. CORRECTION)/Rect/Subj(Text Box)/Subtype/FreeText/T(CORRECTION)/Type/Annot> Mounted Knight and Heroic Spirit of the Mount.